Yesterday was really productive. Especially with Bonsai, which seems like the first time in weeks.

The idea of changing the format of the Youtube videos is a pretty good one. This will help me focus the content more, and have the ability to repurpose it on other social media channels.

Also, the Web3 SaaS Masterclass idea is pretty dope, because that’s the exact course I would be interested in coming across. Anyone who wants to learn software or product development wouldn’t mind if it was for web3. Most would probably prefer it, and those that don’t have nothing to lose if it’s no harder than a web2 app. I’m not exactly sure what I’d call the course, but it would be something like Web3 SaaS, or building an MVP Dapp. Might have to do some keyword research to nail that down.

When I got to the Airbnb yesterday, after cleaning up, I put pen to paper, and mapped out Bonsai’s user flow. Currently there’s only functionality for a few users.


In the near future, I will be adding functionality for a few more users:

These will be pretty easy to add. But there are a few things that need to be done manually for each new group: